Peters refuses to pick PM
Winston Peters would not state a preference for the next Prime Minister during tonight's minor leader's debate - and Colin Craig sought to use it against him.
Winston Peters would not state a preference for the next Prime Minister during tonight's minor leader's debate - and Colin Craig sought to use it against him.
Minor parties will almost certainly make up part of the next Government and the leaders are facing off over dinner tonight. Click here for the latest updates.
Maori Party founder Tariana Turia and former Governor-General and National Party Prime Minister Sir Keith Holyoake feature prominently as political heroes.
Teacher and mother of nine Marama Fox and former party parliamentary staffer Chis Mckenzie are leading the Maori Party's party list behind Te Ururoa Flavell.
Prime Minister John Key said abolishing the Maori seats would rip the country apart and attract "hikois from hell".
Maori Party co-leader Te Ururoa Flavell says that Labour ruling out the Internet-Mana Party from ministerial posts shows the importance of the Maori Party sitting with the Government of the day.
Labour and the Green Party have conceded that a capital gains tax would not be a "panacea" for New Zealand's unaffordable housing crisis.
Retiring National MP Tau Henare fondly remembers accusing the Duke of Edinburgh of not doing anything and inviting the French Prime Minister to Apec - France is not a member.
A minimum hourly wage of $18.80, free doctors' visits for those under 18, and a warrant of fitness for all rental homes are among the election pledges of the Maori Party.
This gaming of the system is not new, writes Brian Rudman. What is different this election is that instead of it being nudge-nudge, wink-wink, it's become formalised.
New Herald poll shows Internet-Mana would get two MPs, as their success eats into the Greens vote while National is still well ahead of Labour.
With 100 days to go until election day on September 20, the political parties - no doubt fibbing through clenched teeth - profess to be ready. Or close enough.
The Green Party is challenging the PM to reveal how much his party made from 53 "Cabinet Club" meetings at which attendees paid thousands of dollars to meet him.
John Key helped the Maori Party throw a $5000-a-seat fundraiser at which diners at the event were promised the chance to "chat confidentially" with the Prime Minister.
A law change will see iwi gain control of the Maori Language Commission and the Maori broadcasting agency.
National and the Greens have been major movers in the latest One News Colmar Brunton poll, with National up six points to 51 per cent and the Greens down by five to 8 per cent.
New Zealand First would hold the balance of power if the results of the first major political poll of the year were translated to an election result.
The Maori Party has used the annual Ratana anniversary to send a message to Labour not to rule it out as a potential coalition partner.
Labour's poll support has slipped after an initial surge following David Cunliffe's election as leader, the latest Herald-DigiPoll survey shows.
Retired boxer David Tua met the Maori Party yesterday to discuss whether he might stand at next year's election.
On a sombre day when he viewed Nelson Mandela's body lying in state, Dr Pita Sharples also had an encounter with two superstars.
Should Chris McKenzie retain co-leader Tariana Turia's Te Tai Hauauru seat, he will become the latest in an increasingly long line of those who have made the leap from political employee to MP.