Govt to ease fears about whanau first
Overhaul of the child protection laws puts emphasis on placing children in a safe, loving home.
Overhaul of the child protection laws puts emphasis on placing children in a safe, loving home.
COMMENT: The events of the past week may be a turning point in election year, writes Audrey Young.
The Maori King says his cousin, the current MP, has no mana now.
Extra days off for domestic violence victims is one step closer.
The Prime Minister's proposal to lift the retirement age has been rejected by National's likely coalition partners and opponents.
National Party has stunned its critics with a plan for national superannuation.
Bill English remains tight-lipped about possible changes to Super, but has ruled out means-testing or changing the way it is paid.
No room for the Conservatives or The Opportunities Party at first debate.
Labour's Stuart Nash will be up against three or more others in race for seat in Parliament
Isaac Davison takes the pulse of the parties to reveal who is in good health and who is a dead man walking.
COMMENT: In the fight for survival, the Maori Party needs to say it will go with Labour if it has the choice in 2017, writes Claire Trevett.
COMMENT: It's your classic political potpourri which makes even Donald Trump look disciplined, although that's probably going a bit far.
Kelly_Makiha_FEB16.epsWhat_do_you_think_circle_3cp.eps Waiariki MP Te Ururoa Flavell isn't taking another win in the Waiariki seat
COMMENT: Unlike other electoral accommodations, the Mana Maori deal is devoid of subtlety.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: If Hone Harawira could do it all over again, he would not get into bed with Kim Dotcom.
The Maori Party and the Mana Party are about to sign an agreement that's expected to involve electorate deals designed to enhance
Bill English said the problems in the bill could be easier to sort out in practice than in theory.
Labour and Act say they will back a Green Party proposal to give domestic violence victims up to 10 days' paid leave.
A new, Opposition-led inquiry into the state of aged care in New Zealand kicks off tomorrow.
Willie Jackson's move to Labour has upset some in the party - but leader Andrew Little has told them to keep their concerns in-house.
The Maori Party has taken out an ad calling on non-Maori to support it.
Willie Jackson's move to Labour shows party's commitment to Maori issues, says leader Andrew Little.
English says NZ First an 'unlikely' choice of governing partner, saying Nats prefer to stick to their present allies.
The Maori broadcaster and former Alliance MP is set to announce he is standing for Labour instead.
The evolving and prospering alliance of the two Maori parties is causing problems for the Labour Party and Andrew Little.
Labour and the Greens say they have dropped plans to cut electoral "deals" in marginal seats,
Anti-GM campaigners have launched a video on social media urging the Māori party to condemn Government's proposed changes to the Resource Management Act, which would remove their right to remain GM Free. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Labour's visit to Ratana Pa today was a relatively quiet one - the fireworks instead came from Gareth Morgan.
Labour leader Andrew Little has all but ruled out forming a post-election coalition with the Maori Party or Mana Movement.
The Labour Party will arrive at Ratana Pa today under pressure to show it deserves to maintain its hold on the Maori seats at this year's election.