Watch live: Willie Jackson eyes up David Seymour in fiery political debate
David Seymour will be bookended by Willie Jackson and John Tamihere at the debate.
David Seymour will be bookended by Willie Jackson and John Tamihere at the debate.
Māori health consultant Teresa Wall analyses questions on improving Māori equity
The next Parliament will look a bit different.
Te Pāti Māori have a number of health initiatives for more equitable outcomes.
The Act leader says he knows what's best for Māori.
Labour's Māori strategist on their chances in the seven Māori seats.
OPINION: Our editorial shout-out to voters and politicians amid the election clamouring.
OPINION: Audrey Young picks Parliament's best speech, worst answer and closest contest.
A series of tweets said the party did not stand for xenophobia and racism in any form.
"They’ve been targeted to the point where it’s sadly become almost an anti-Māori sport."
OPINION: The political noise about a Māori takeover is almost deafening.
EDITORIAL: Divisiveness is being used as an election strategy.
20-year-old Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clark is No 4 on the Te Pāti Māori list
There was a show of political force at the Koroneihana today.
Opinion: Who really bears the burden for GST in New Zealand?
Te Pāti Māori Waikato-Tainui candidate at No 4 on Party list
The misspelt word "raciest" has been spray painted on some of the defaced signs.
Good Pākehā Samaritans have taken a stand against racism.
Labour and the Green Party have supported the Water Services Entities Amendment Bill.
The poll of 1012 people was conducted online between July 31 and August 7.
Opinion: Cultural reports allow judges to understand more about the accused.
OPINION: There's a chance our second-choice PM will take the job.
Rotorua local Raukawa-Tait hits the election trail.
OPINION: Why she's standing for Te Pāti Māori in Rotorua.
OPINION: The waiting room to become a minister could be rather large.
John Tamihere says the New Zealand Defence Force should be a peackeeping force.
The Charities Service is demanding evidence of the campaign loan repayment by today.
Politicians have had a 'gutsful', but is youth offending actually getting worse?
A grassroots activist group claims the new strategy leads NZ down the path to war.
There's now a greater chance of a hung Parliament than a Labour Government.