Latest fromManukau City Council

Dog owners hot under collar over neuter glitch
Council backs down on its demand for written proof Manukau pets desexed.

Win for Ross could open council's door to Quax
Victory for C&R man in Botany byelection would create vacancy in city's Howick ward.

Under the volcanoes
Auckland is home to more than 50 volcanic cones and craters. Diana Clement explores just a few.

Left-leaning council for Len Brown
The first Auckland Council has been decided, and it has a centre-left look about it, which will make life easier for Super Mayor Len Brown.

Plaudits heaped on Len Brown
Manukau City Mayor Len Brown was praised over and over again last night as the city's council officially met for the last time.

Labour to 'take action' if members involved in voting scam
Labour president Andrew Little says the party will act if any of its members are found to have been involved in a Super City voting scam.

Police probe Super City bribery claim
Police have started another Super City electoral investigation, this time into allegations of bribery on the North Shore.

Detectives widen Super City probe to Tauranga, Hamilton
Police have widened their probe into a possible Super City voting scam to cover hundreds of people living in Hastings, Tauranga and Hamilton.

40 police probe suspected vote scam
Search warrants have been executed on about 10 properties in Papatoetoe as part of a police probe into a possible Super City voting scam.

Ex-mayor's big credit card bill
Sir Barry Curtis put $100,000 on his council credit card in his final term as Manukau City Mayor.