Latest fromManufacturing
Institute slashes NZ growth forecast
NZIER says a rapidly worsening global economy will depress New Zealand's fledgling recovery and keep interest rates on hold until 2013.
Methven profit slumps on slack building activity
Methven, the tapware and bath fittings maker, posted a 25 per cent slump in first-half profit, blaming a sharp downturn in Australian activity.
Sanitarium staff sent home over earthquake fears
Sanitarium has sent some 65 Christchurch staff home after an engineering report raised quake-related...
Carpetmaker says court decision may push it offshore
A High Court decision backing the Commerce Commission may mean a move to do more manufacturing overseas, says carpet maker Godfrey Hirst.
Cottonsoft keeps test results from Greenpeace
Toilet paper maker Cottonsoft is keeping secret rainforest test results which it says proves its product is environmentally friendly.
Big new science institute promised by Govt
The Government, should it be re-elected this month, plans to boost investment in the science sector and transform Industrial Research Limited into an advanced technology institute - a high tech HQ for New Zealand.
Wages up, but private sector lags
Wage increases accelerated in the last quarter, but is still soft enough to keep the Reserve Bank from hiking interest rates anytime soon. The labour cost index rose 0.6 percent in the last...
Success: Design goes the distance, however you say it
Recessionary mindset pays off for furniture company.