Latest fromManufacturing

Nick Collins: Kiwi metals manufacturing needs protection
COMMENT: New Zealand steel makers could do with some protection too.

Liam Dann: China is changing and we need to talk about it
COMMENT:US trade drama has overshadowed important changes in China that we need to digest.

Tractors cut a path to record trade
Demand for machinery - including tractors - pushed imports values to a record in January

$6 million for Whanganui's port and rail links
Whanganui gets first share of Provincial Growth Fund.

Booming economy? How this one rates
As we head into a 10th year of economic growth how does this era rank against other booms?

The artisans: The Kiwi craftsmen keeping it real
In the age of mass production, are skills handed down through generations being lost?

Don't be afraid of robots taking your job
Are we about to live in a scary world of automation?

America's hypersonic spy plane
Lockheed Martin has been developing a successor to one of the fastest planes ever seen.

Ten ways tech will change your life in 2018
Is the outlook for technology in 2018 exciting - or slightly terrifying?

Apple's not-so Merry Christmas
Apple has been counting on a redesigned 10th anniversary iPhone to boost shipments.

Art Green's new food factory
Riot Foods, the owner of CleanPaleo, is crowdfunding to kit out its new factory.

Manufacturing sales building up
Sales values jumped 8.6 per cent to $25.25 billion in the quarter

Making a living from cooling your beers
Huski founder Simon Huesser talks taking a chance on creating a beer cooling device.

Manufacturing shrugs off election uncertainty
New Zealand manufacturing activity continued to expand in September.

Kiwi scientists to make Star Trek gadget a reality
Star Trek's disease-scanning "tricorder" could soon become reality with a new Kiwi study.

Manufacturing gains in August
New Zealand's manufacturing activity continued to gain in August.

'Jacinda effect' nets $100k for Labour
Labour has received $700 a minute in donations since Jacinda Ardern took over.

US Air Force funds Kiwi tech project
The US Air Force has put $250,000 into an innovative Kiwi study.

Manufacturing activity slows in June
Firms reined in employment in the face of growing labour shortages.

Samsung backs down over $600 fridge fix
The company finally relented after weeks of wrangling, replacing the fridge for free

Crowd-funded bid for Cadbury pulled
Jim O'Malley is pulling out of his bid to win a manufacturing contract from Mondelez.

Scott Technology buys Dunedin firm out of receivership
Scott Technology has bought Dunedin engineering firm DC Ross out of receivership.

Liam Dann: Why your pay rise sucked
COMMENT: Wage growth is the missing piece of the global economic recovery.

Manufacturing activity expands in May
NZ's manufacturing activity expanded in May, reaching the highest value since January 2016

Ikea's plan for living in a tiny home
Living in a tiny home or apartment? Ikea can help you

Manufacturing leader awarded top honour
Avon Cook has been honoured for services to the manufacturing industry.

Food producers accused of lying on labels
Some of NZ's biggest companies are lining up to oppose country of origin labelling.