Kaitāia’s Te Hiku Sports Centre hailed a success after first six months
Around 9000 a month using Kaitāia’s Te Hiku Sports Centre.
Around 9000 a month using Kaitāia’s Te Hiku Sports Centre.
District councillor Hilda Halkyard-Harawira leads Northland's waka ama champs assault.
Privet is noxious pest, but NZ's oldest example is in the Far North.
Mangamuka Gorge reopening delights Far North businesses as visitors pour in.
Volunteers wanted to keep Waitangi Day commemorations clean in Bay of Islands
Far North under fire and water restrictions
JR.BM Scholarships to three Northland health workers
Northland's Mea Motu fights for multiple world boxing titles in NZ first.
The annual tramp in the Far North is not for beginners.
Far North's unique Tractor Spectacular motors into bay
Excavation at Butler Point to explore Māori and European historical interactions.
Mangōnui restaurant to offer free Christmas lunches for Northland's needy and lonely.
Dog attacks in Far North rise; woman injured as pack of dogs maul her on Taipā Beach.
The Environmental Protection Agency stops work on the Far North water supply project.
Kaitāia man seeking voter feedback ahead of next year's local body elections
A spooky event marks Kaitāia Gymnastics Club's recreational competition.
Kaitāia boxing world champ Mea Motu part of nine-strong Māori sports stars panel M9
Far North's Te Waimate Mission Station to hold creative day
News snippets from the Far North.
Kaitāia gearing up for big town spring clean for state highway reopening.
400 at Edmonds Ruins open day show interest in historic sites still there
Top award for Top Energy lines team
News snippets from the Far North.
Bay of Islands Pastoral & Industrial Show on this Saturday.
Anti-Treaty Principles Bill hīkoi starts at Cape Reinga/Te Rerenga Wairua on Monday.
Full value of cruise ship industry to Northland revealed.
The 2022 Kaimaumau wetlands fire released a huge amount of carbon into the air.
News snippets from the Far North
Annual Awanui Day celebrated as thousands flock to Far North town.
Huge efforts of Kerikeri performing arts legend Doug Turner recalled