Fire investigators at Whangarei's Old Town Hall
A special fire appliance from Auckland equipped with an aerial basket used for clock tower
A special fire appliance from Auckland equipped with an aerial basket used for clock tower
Iconic 107-year-old 'Old Town Hall' severely damaged.
Mangawhai residents sign petition to stop 5G, citing potential serious health risks.
Judge who fires warning shot comes good on promise - sends man to jail for breach.
United Kawakawa Under 12 team mates Goodhue and Larsen played in opposing teams at RWC.
A man who has served time for manslaughter fails to complete community work.
Whangārei's Bird Recovery Centre is feeding an influx of hungry wood pigeons.
Newcomers to Northland talk about what the region offers.
"I'm picking this wasn't a highly thought out plan," said Judge Greg Davis.
The Cancer Society has released a survey that indicates more kids are smoking at school.
Police urge people to contact them directly rather then post on social media.
Four whales stranded at Uretiti in Northland die.
National MP says putting $95m of PGF fund into northern railway is a waste of money.
$94M to upgrade rail line from Northland to Auckland
Stan Semenoff to do remedial work to prevent future damage to land he's developing.
More than 20 bruises were found on her body; most of them on her head.
Mum tells how there was nothing out of the ordinary on the day toddler died.
It is the third death of a child investigated in Northland within the past 12 months.
Strategy that aims to lower the proportion of Māori in prisons has been launched.
Seventh brush with death the closest yet, says rescued man Ross Mead.
Jury hears from first responders who arrived at scene minutes after 111 call was placed.
A jury has been shown scene photos from the home where a child was allegedly murdered.
Ariah Roberts murder: stepfather allegedly killed child while mum went to supermarket
Ariah Dawn Roberts died at Mangawhai nearly a year ago.
Northland mayors not throwing in the towel yet - all three are standing for re-election.
Kaipara Harbour catchment will be first to tap into new $12 million clean waterways fund.
Police investigating three robberies believed to be linked
Strangers tried to abduct students to and from Northland schools
Police increase presence around schools in Whangārei, inquiries ongoing.