Latest fromManawatu-Whanganui

Car 'like a missile'
A car rocketed through a barrier like a "scud missile", plunging 30m into the Manawatu Gorge yesterday, killing the driver.

Body found after car plunges into gorge river
A police dive squad has recovered the body of a man from the Manawatu River following a crash earlier this morning.

'They've taken a wonderful father away from his son'
Six weeks on from Scott Guy's murder, his widow Kylee pleaded for his killer to come forward.

Dairy farmer Scott Guy's widow begs killer to come forward
Living a life ruined by a gunman is horrible, with the mornings worst of all, Kylee Guy told media.

Thieves brave 220k volts for copper
Brazen but brainless thieves have risked their lives by breaking into a Manawatu wind farm switch yard in an apparent attempt to steal copper wire.

Pig hunter found safe and well
The 69-year-old pig hunter who went missing last night near Wanganui has been found safe and well.

Renewed calls to bring SAS home
The Green Party wants to bring our most elite troops home from Afghanistan following reports of links to the torture of prisoners.

Police officer dies after fitness test
A Horowhenua police officer collapsed and died following a routine police physical fitness test.

Support floods in for beauty queen
A New Zealand teen beauty queen who lost her crown for dying her blonde hair brown has received a flood of support from the United States.

Emotional farewell for slain soldier
In a warehouse packed with dignitaries and military officers, mourners today heard how NZ had lost a fine young leader, 28-year-old Lieutenant Tim O'Donnell.

Last respects paid to slain NZ soldier
The death of Lieutenant Tim O'Donnell in Afghanistan was a tragedy on a number of levels, the Governor-General told the slain soldier's military funeral today.

Slain soldier's final farewell
Lieutenant Tim O'Donnell was described as a striking example of a young man with positive and irrepressible energy at his funeral today.

Army battling youth drinking culture
Thirty-four soldiers from just one army base have faced drinking-related court charges in the first six months of this year.

New gang challenge to Whanganui patch ban
Hells Angels is returning to court to challenge Whanganui's anti-gang patch bylaw.

Police check firearm thefts after murder
Police hunting the killer of Manawatu farmer Scott Guy are canvassing local farmers in the hope of uncovering information about firearm thefts.

Community service for bridge swing operator guilty of manslaughter
Bridge swing operator Alistair McWhannell was today sentenced to 400 hours community service for the manslaughter of a student who fell to her death last year.