The Interview: Cathy Quinn, going out on a legal high
High profile lawyer Cathy Quinn is stepping down after 34 years in the thick of the action
High profile lawyer Cathy Quinn is stepping down after 34 years in the thick of the action
National test of civil defence alert hit phones across New Zealand this evening.
COMMENT: Complacent, low-hanging targets have lulled true change to a halt.
The Aussie banking inquiry has put the spotlight on good corporate governance
Survey shows many at SkyCity fire were exhausted, had to buy own food and had few breaks.
Comment: Do chief executives really deserve their 'masters of the universe' pedestals?
What is takes to be a top notch chief executive.
Dunedin flatmates were "stunned" when their property manager turned up with a cameraman.
Investigation into elderly woman's rest home care flawed, needs action, says son.
We are falling far short of any marker of success in terms of genuine equality.
Comment: We're no closer to fixing the problem, in fact we are going backwards.
Auckland company, its two directors and a sales agent charged with breaching the RMA.
We say: Gender imbalance at helm of our large public firms has long been an embarrassment.
It is set to be the first industrial action at the port in more than a decade.
Sport NZ has trialled blind CVs in a bid to improve gender balance on its staff.
AgriSea brews up a case for the commercial power of seaweed.
Comment: Our national archive is in trouble and all of government needs to help fix it.
ASB boss' pay revealed for the first time.
Comment: Quality of leadership and policy-making will be critical to its success.
The FMA and RBNZ will both now be probe matters relating to ANZ's governance
ANZ still refuses to answer specific questions about sale of a house to the ex-CEO's wife.
Steve Braunius visits some of the worst rated Auckland restaurants.
Just two chief executives out of 27 on industry body's top Board of Governors are women.
When is it a good time for a CEO to speak after a crisis?
There is more of a sigh than a smile when Shane Jones' name is mentioned in Government.
Councils say Govt's planned Development Authority is no substitute for reforming RMA.
COMMENT: Unless there are some neighbour-friendly regulations introduced.
In a long career, Tony Carter has seen governance from both sides.
How to deal with a management vacuum.
Comment: Threat allegation centres on last month's fires in the Nelson district.