New Watercare boss to earn almost $200k less than his predecessor
Jon Lamonte will join Watercare as chief executive next month on a salary of $585,000.
Jon Lamonte will join Watercare as chief executive next month on a salary of $585,000.
Trees are being lifted by crane to be planted atop the Hundertwasser Art Centre building.
Everyone cheered the RMA's demise but will new laws be at the mercy of political conflict?
Canadian psychologist suggests many senior executives and CEOs are psychopaths.
Bill Osborne to be acting chair of Ports of Auckland as Liz Coutts retires.
Relearning how to manage people in this crisis is a significant challenge bosses face.
New rules aim to control the dumping of spam mail and waste from large public events.
97 people were interviewed, including current and former employees of Lyttelton Port Co.
"It's not about an individual, it's about being part of a group," says Gradon.
FMA asked to bring in temporary manager of funds by supervisor, in first use of powers.
Restructure proposal at Waikato Hospital being reworked after staff feedback.
Kincentric report shows a common trend among highly-ranked companies.
The Mackensie District also had the lowest average salary in country.
IDEA Services is still reviewing how it provides vocational services for the disabled.
Saying no to the boss or your colleagues can be difficult.
The new laws fail to acknowledge the momentum farmers already have to address freshwater.
We don't want to go back to the "normal" economy - it didn't deliver.
A school principal was so traumatised by her experience with ACC she no longer trusts it.
Officials fought to keep secret a report they always wanted to make public. Apparently.
Waikato DHB found in breach of doctor's privacy after colleagues accessed medical file.
Two American psychiatrists who worked in NZ were accused of having sex with patients.
MSD made major, urgent changes to its model for benefit of clients, staff in pandemic.
Everything you need to know about managing your small business in these challenging times.
Comment: Ambitions more likely to be thwarted by three key areas - people, time and money.
Comment: Can you imagine an All Blacks strategy based on a 1950s model?
Class actions and banking inquiry drive up costs to companies to insure directors.
The couple were boarded into their hotel room as the cyclone caused havoc.
And share price is only one way of thinking about value.
Diversity case study: Gender balance does not happen by chance.
Former staff allege bullying by managers at HDC but Commissioner says he's proud of work.