Latest fromManagement

Disruption key challenge for company directors
The latest Director Sentiment Survey from the NZIER reveals technological and business disruptions as key challenges for directors.

Robyn Pearce: Are you too available?
Robyn Pearce talks about the effects of being too available. "Many go home every night frustrated by the myriad interruptions that block them from attending to their real work."

Robyn Pearce: How to control your inbox
As I work with people around the world on their productivity issues, everyone shares one common challenge - too much time spent on email.

Baycorp - Making sure the money comes in
When Donna Cooper considered taking the helm of Baycorp's New Zealand operation, she took a long hard look at herself.

Henri Eliot: Avoiding family feuds in the boardroom
Family-owned businesses dominate New Zealand's our commercial landscape. It's surprising, then, that so little is known about them.

Best CEO you've never heard of
Harvard Business Review picks a boss who remains laser-focused on his job and doesn't fly in private jets.

Council salary rises ease off
The rise in pay packets for Auckland Council's top brass has slowed this year, according to a Herald survey.

Two key factors to good leadership
There is an astounding lack of leadership in corporate culture. There are many people in management roles, but very few inspiring leaders.

Jetstar starts airfare war
Air New Zealand fires return shot after Jetstar offers cheap deals for launch of new routes.

'This is not about revenge'
Today, Jetstar New Zealand boss Grant Kerr will be in a classic car hurtling around a track near Taupo at 200km/h.

Jane Kennelly: How to spot a high-potential employee
Being able to spot high potential sounds relatively simple, yet in reality, it's a complicated activity, writes recruitment expert Jane Kennelly.

The Business interview: Diane Foreman
It's not just the money, it's what you do with it next that counts, the entrepreneur tells Holly Ryan.

Kiwi bank boss to give away $2.4m
Royal Bank of Scotland boss Ross McEwan follows through on his promise to return $2.4m of his share-based allowance by last week giving $1.2m to charity.

Rich-lister: Women the secret to success
One of the country's most successful businesswomen thinks businesses need to work harder to get more females executive roles.

Finance co. directors enter guilty pleas
The directors of OPI Pacific Finance, which collapsed owing $247m, have pleaded guilty to making untrue statements.

Wretched life of the middle manager
Middle managers are significantly likelier to suffer symptoms of depression and anxiety than their counterparts at the top or bottom of the hierarchy, a study has found.

Cathy Quinn: Governance matters. So does fair pay
Monday's Herald published the results of the Institute of Directors' survey of directors on remuneration.

Directors fees: The pressure is on
Just on half the country's directors aren't happy about their pay as workload piles up and more face the axe for poor performance.

Takeover no bar to Kirk's date with World Cup
Outdoor clothing retailer Kathmandu's cup-winning chairman ready to take up invite to tournament as Briscoe offer runs its course.

Leading and managing very different
Understanding the difference between the two roles is vital to a firm's successful growth.

Anna Russell: Fit farmers with Farmstrong
Farmstrong, an initiative designed to give farmers the resources to live well focuses on areas applicable in any environment.

Henri Eliot: Roger Sharp on corporate governance
Roger Sharp talks to Henri Eliot in Singapore about his perspectives on corporate governance and the digital disruption.

Career Coach: When negotiating, be prepared
The workplace is filled with opportunities to negotiate. The most important thing you can do is fully prepare, writes Joyce Russell.

Twelve Questions: Grainne Moss
One of the small number of female chief executives in New Zealand, Grainne Moss runs Bupa, the country's largest aged care home provider.

Fonterra: It's not rosy
Fonterra's has copped some flak for its performance, but chief executive Theo Spierings says the co-operative dairy giant would not deviate from its current course.

Executive Success: Appetite for risk delivers reward
When Victoria Crone was sounded out for a heavy-hitting board role, she had just one question: "What is your appetite for change?"

Paul Moodie: Directors insured? Maybe not
If your company does not have a constitution, there is no ability for the company to indemnify or take out insurance to protect you.

Language skills crucial for global CEOs
In Switzerland, a non-EU country with four official languages, executives are expected to speak at least two in addition to English.