Rates rebel in council squeeze
Auckland Council has told activist Penny Bright to pay $29,000 owed in rates within 10 days or risk losing her Kingsland home.
Auckland Council has told activist Penny Bright to pay $29,000 owed in rates within 10 days or risk losing her Kingsland home.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown was right to act to end a costly court case involving the Auckland rescue helicopter trust and the regional amenities funding body.
Auckland Council debt, which was $4 billion three years ago, has now reached $6.5b, but the Mayor says there is a good balance between the super city's debts and assets.
Exceltium Corporate & Public Affairs owner Matthew Hooton is crowing from the rooftops after the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust won a victory against the body that decides its ratepayer funding.
An Auckland wheel-clamping company, which last year was accused of bullying, has gone into liquidation after being unable to keep up with debts.
Political parties and politicians treat voters with contempt when they refuse to be upfront about post-election coalition arrangements, writes Bryce Edwards
Government regulators have agreed to shut down Hamilton's six "legal high" synthetic drug shops.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown has been told it will take a "slash and burn" exercise for his new 10-year budget to bring benefits for Aucklanders.
Archaeologists are the latest group to weigh into a controversial iwi consultation rule, saying most of the thousands of affected sites have not been evaluated.
Some cynics think plans for the country's biggest new skyscraper are just a lot of hot air but an Auckland Council boss says wind is something to be avoided.
It seems that many of our politicians are rather 'tricky' when it comes to mixing business, money and politics, writes Bryce Edwards.
Bryce Edwards says it could be argued that continuing strong polling is turning National's strong self-assurance into arrogance.
Climbing a man-made tree to see plants that live high in the forest canopy could soon be an activity on offer at Auckland Botanic Gardens.
Editorial: People usually reserve their greatest annoyance for things they believe have been imposed on them in a stealthy manner.
Just when David Cunliffe looked about to gather some serious momentum, revelations surfaced about his use of secret trusts for receiving political donations.
With a downed tree blocking their way, and live power lines sparking off the rain-lashed roof and bonnet, Bruce McDonald urged his teenage daughter to remain calm.
A glimpse at plans for the country's tallest new skyscraper shows how it will have open skydecks, with gardens or trees, and has been designed to reflect the Sky Tower.
Will Aucklanders be able to pay their rates and water bills at the same time and ring one telephone number to report a pothole or a noisy party?
Labour's electoral fortunes suddenly appear to hang on the appointment of an unelected backroom parliamentary official largely unknown by the public, writes Bryce Edwards.
Labour's Maori Affairs spokesman Shane Jones has slammed a new rule requiring Auckland property owners to seek iwi approval to work on sites significant to Maori.
The boss of the Ruataniwha dam project has defended his $84k pay hike, saying the ensuing criticism is 'just the reality of a high-profile public role.'
The review is likely to result in council-controlled organisations being put on a tighter leash governing what they can do without council approval, writes Mai Chen.
A new rule requiring homeowners and businesses to seek iwi approval to work on sites of cultural and heritage value to Maori is set to be debated by councillors today.
Will this election year be the 'Year of the blogger'? Politics lecturer Bryce Edwards examines the issue in his regular round-up of the political scene.
The council's claims of high levels of design control are illusory and don't stack up, writes Richard Burton. "Very few residential developments will require a resource consent."
The North Shore is losing popular events, like the Devonport Food and Wine Festival and Wag 'n Walk Day, says the area's former mayor.
Editorial: In terms of fundraising, few organisations are in such a favoured position as the Westpac rescue helicopter service.
Everyone's a critic when it comes to David Cunliffe at the moment, writes Bryce Edwards in his regular round-up of the NZ political scene.
The Green Party has suspended low-ranking candidate David Hay for attacking the party's leaders and releasing internal documents.