Latest fromLocal Government

Dolphin sanctuary on line
Auckland councillors have been bombarded with more than 200,000 emails urging them to oppose the latest proposed oil exploration plan.

Parnell on verge of regaining glory
Parnell, the inner-city suburb that reflected the golden days of the ‘80s and ‘90s, is undergoing a quiet renaissance. We look at what's being done.

Editorial: Council tax plea hard to stomach
Councils have been pleading for a new source of money for as long as ratepayers can remember.

Funding study boost for council
Auckland Council's desperate hunt for new revenue to supplement an ever-growing rates burden may be boosted by a Local Government NZ funding review.

Council funding reform plea shot down
Prime Minister John Key has sprayed cold water on calls for a comprehensive rethink of how local government spending is funded.

Councillors face board ban
EXCLUSIVE: Auckland bureaucrats have come up with a plan to dump councillors from sitting on the board of Auckland Transport.

Len Brown joins house-hunting fray
Len Brown and his wife Shan Inglis have sold their big South Auckland home and are now getting first-hand knowledge of the city's pressure-cooker house market.

Future Auckland: Health
In part four of the Herald series on how to make Auckland better, we look at the pros and cons of health-care in New Zealand's biggest city.

Future Auckland: A place to call home
In the third of our five-part Future Auckland series, we aim to stimulate debate.

Len wants to run again - but can he?
The Herald understands Len Brown has the backing of his wife and has told his inner circle he wants to run again for the mayoralty, but may not have enough support.

Future Auckland: How to get city moving
This week the Herald looks at what Auckland needs to make it an even better place to live. Today we focus on its transport woes, and how to solve them.

Bryce Edwards: Blue-Green battle over housing crisis and RMA
A blue-green battle is looming over housing affordability and the reform of the Resource Management Act.

Rates won't go into convention centre: Brown
Auckland mayor Len Brown says the council will not put any ratepayer cash into building or running an international convention centre.

Len Brown: An investment in Auckland's future
Aucklanders have spent many, many years admiring what other cities have, but we're catching up now, writes Auckland Mayor Len Brown. There's a real sense of pride growing around our region.

Brian Rudman: Liveable Len could stop the chop
Just because pohutukawa trees prosper in Auckland's coastal setting is not a reason to treat them as a weed and hack them down when they get in the way of a road builder.

Has Auckland got its 10-year budget right?
Aucklanders have seven weeks to provide feedback on a draft 10-year budget that, according to Mayor Len Brown, includes some of the biggest decisions on the city's future. Send us Your Views.

Michael Ayrton: Cornwall Park a magnificent gift that keeps giving
While four million visitors enjoy the park each year, not one cent of the costs comes from rates or taxes, writes Michael Ayrton. That is thanks to the magnificent bequest of the "Father" of the city.

John Armstrong: We all know the act is not the problem
Got a problem? Then blame it on the Resource Management Act, writes John Armstrong. "Nick Smith is using the RMA as a smokescreen. The Auckland housing crisis is really a crisis of insatiable demand."

$405k to resolve Super City staff gripes
Auckland Council paid out $405,000 settling and defending personal grievances in the past year.

DoC rejects 1080 claims
Claims that the high-profile pest control campaign "Battle For Our Birds" wiped out a group of nationally endangered birds are unfounded, the Department of Conservation says.

Council backs new film studio
Film and television incentives have lifted the screen production industry out of the doldrums, prompting the Auckland Council to back new studios in West Auckland.

Support for volcano car ban widens
A ban on cars from the summit of Mt Eden, one of Auckland's best-known sightseeing spots, has overwhelming support in a new Herald-DigiPoll survey.

City reaps $100m in vehicle fines
Motorists have forked out more than $100 million in parking and vehicle fines from Auckland Transport over four years - and owe plenty more.

Smell sinks Auckland chicken farm plan
A resource consent bid for a chicken egg layer farm of 310,000 birds in rural south Auckland has been rejected, because of fears it would be too stinky.

Shrinking fines show system working
After slugging motorists with almost $10 million in bus lane fines since its formation in 2010, Auckland Transport says its enforcement efforts appear to be succeeding.