Latest fromLocal Government

Rodney boundary to stay as is
The Government has bowed to local pressure and decided not to change the Rodney District boundary.

Touches of big designs for wharf makeover
Flashes of Sydney, London and volcanic Auckland are among the creative ideas to redevelop Queens Wharf for the 2011 Rugby World Cup.

$6b leaky homes bill threat to NZ credit
A $6 billion plan to bail out owners of leaky homes is in jeopardy because of Government fears it could threaten the country's credit rating.

Dog illnesses spark fresh alert
Health authorities have renewed warnings to take care on Auckland beaches after three more dogs became seriously ill.

Easier tree-cutting fast-tracked to October
Large trees will be able to be pruned without council permission three weeks from today under a last-minute law change passed last night.

Can graffiti ever be art? UK city votes on it
Bristol City Council asks its constituents to answer a referendum on whether graffiti in the city should stay - or be removed.