Latest fromLocal Government

Iwi may boycott Super City advisory board
Two iwi are considering boycotting a statutory Maori advisory board for the Auckland council.

Govt acts to curb Auckland rates rise
Aucklanders will be spared big swings in rates when the Super City comes into existence next year.

Minister accused of sneaking clause into bill
Associate Local Government Minister John Carter is being accused of changing a Government bill to help out a constituent.

Drivers to pay as council lifts own rates
One reason the North Shore City Council is looking at charging parking fees at its busway stations is a big rise in the rates it charges itself.

Minister gets tip from barber about rail costs
A remark in a barber shop may prove instrumental in costing rail users more money to catch electric trains.

Carpark scam keeps banks busy
More than 100,000 credit cards may be replaced as a result of thieves hacking into payment machines at a central Auckland carpark.

Carpark scam hits thousands
Thieves have hacked into payment machines at an Auckland carpark and stolen the credit-card details of thousands of people - possibly for years.