Latest fromLocal Government

Bus drivers pushing the limit
Shocked education officials are surprised police won't put more effort into catching bus drivers who speed through special 40km/h zones.

Expenses error costly for Brown
Aucklanders eyeing the Super City mayoral contest are deserting Manukau Mayor Len Brown following his credit card breaches, a survey shows.

Brown's dinner helps ex-bikie sing new tune
A former gang member-turned opera singer has corroborated Manukau Mayor Len Brown's explanation for an $810 dinner.

Can Len Brown be Super City mayor?
Following his credit card breaches and emotional mea culpa, some are questioning Len Brown's ability to lead the Super City.

$35,000 apology for Laws' attack on parents
The parents of a boy killed in a trailbike accident will receive $35,000 for offensive comments Michael Laws made on air.

Emotional display 'a Maori gesture'
Len Brown insists a self-inflicted chest and head beating on Tuesday night was nothing more than a Maori gesture.

Cries of bias as council plans $120,000 history
Auckland City intends spending $120,000 on a history of itself, which minority councillors fear will glorify the Citizens and Ratepayers faction.

Brown's dinner bill an $810 rule-breaker
Len Brown broke nearly every rule in the book when he put $810 on his council credit card for a dinner at a Manurewa restaurant last September.

Mayor calls foul over expenses story
Manukau City Mayor Len Brown says the council is considering legal action after accusations that council staff committed fraud.

Banks shrinks from publicity about stretching statistic
Supermayor hopeful John Banks had a prickly reaction to being questioned about his height this week.