Auckland Airport buys up quarter of Queenstown Airport
Auckland International Airport is now the owner of 24.9pc of Queenstown Airport, in a $27.7m deal with Queenstown Lakes District Council.
Auckland International Airport is now the owner of 24.9pc of Queenstown Airport, in a $27.7m deal with Queenstown Lakes District Council.
Auckland rail officials have been accused of "incompetence on a grand scale" for building a platform too short for the trains it will serve.
John Key's dream of turning Queens Wharf into "party central" for the Rugby World Cup is in tatters following a political impasse between the Govt and the ARC.
It's time John Key put the dummy back in Murray McCully's mouth and sent him to the Chris Carter home for over-stressed politicians.
The ARC, co-owner of Queens Wharf, has voted to keep one of the wharf sheds as a Rugby World Cup "party central" venue, alongside the Govt's temporary Cup structure dubbed the "slug".
Over 200,000 people in Howick and Manurewa will have just eight staff between them for local matters under the Super City plan.
Supermayor hopefuls have revealed basic gaps in their knowledge of the Auckland region, including everyday concerns such as parking and bus fares.
Auckland voters will face quite a dilemma if the mayoralty of the new Super City stays an effective two-horse race.