Latest fromLocal Government
Bus lane fines 'unfair tax on drivers'
Auckland's controversial bus lane enforcement regime has been attacked by a council committee chairman given an infringement notice.
Popular swimming spots prove unsafe
Many popular swimming spots contain high levels of bacteria that cause diarrhoea or infection, a new report shows.
Bus lane anger falls on deaf ears
A public call to relax rules for safer crossing of Auckland's bus lanes has been rejected by the country's land transport agency.
Shed 10, 'slug' to form fan zone
The Government's latest announcement on Queen's Wharf has the support of Auckland's regional and city council.
$4m bus-lane 'disgrace'
Auckland drivers have been fined $4.2m in a year for using bus lanes - even though there's no sign when they can enter lanes to turn left.
Battle of the Super City hopefuls
John Banks last night promised not to sell council shares in Auckland Airport or any more pensioner houses in the first major showdown for the Super City mayoralty.
Auckland real estate agents flout tough new sign laws
Tough new Auckland City rules about the number of real estate signs allowed on one property are being flouted, as agents wait for the supercity merger.