Latest fromLocal Government

Rival personalities vie for Christchurch mayoralty
Cities throughout New Zealand will be voting for new leaders as Auckland ushers in the Super City in October. Jarrod Booker examines two very different candidates running for Christchurch mayor.

Council backtracks on bus lane enforcement
After a backlash over its overzealous issuing of bus lane fines, Auckland City Council today agreed to new initiatives "to ensure a fair and reasonable approach" to bus lane enforcement.

Judge dismisses credibility of Super City candidate
A right-wing Super City candidate must pay a finance company more than $70,000 after a judge ruled that she misled it by not revealing a debt.

Super City will cut water costs - Hide
Aucklanders on the whole are set to pay less for their water under the new Super City council, Rodney Hide says.

<i>Anne Gibson:</i> Nervous wait for convention centre bids
Five Auckland bids to build the country's only international convention and exhibition centre are in the spotlight; the Government has to pick one, writes Anne Gibson.

<i>Rodney Hide</i>: Our objective is to make Auckland a greater place
Local Government Minister and Act Party leader Rodney Hide shares his vision for the new Super City.

<i>Michael Barnett:</i> Short term wins needed to realise Auckland's promise
What will the priorities and possibilities be for our new Super City and how will it deliver on its potential, asks Michael Barnett

<i>Brian Rudman</i>: 'First, do no harm' an apt mantra for Super City leaders
Auckland's new masters have been handed a conundrum which will take longer than a single term to master.

Super City directors' fees $2.3m
Aucklanders will pay about $2.3m a year for unelected directors to run most of the Super City services.