Latest fromLocal Government

Ward, board and candidates all part of a lottery
Most citizens of the Super City were unaware of where they fitted in the new structure until their voting papers arrived.

Brown v Banks for the city of our children's future
Dita De Boni hopes the first Super City mayor will give Aucklanders a reason to abandon their cars.

Mayor hijacked on Twitter
A John Banks impersonator who bemused followers online with oddball policies and flippant comments could soon be shut down.

Low expectations of Super City council
Aucklanders have low expectations of their new super city council's performance.

What people want in the new Auckland
Our survey reveals what Aucklanders want to see as the top priority for the new Super City council.

Mayoral debate: Rivals face-off
Super City mayoral contender Len Brown says he will meet monthly with leaders of the region's new local boards to ease democracy concerns.

<i>Brian Rudman</i>: The Len and Banksie roadshow hits town
By now, John Banks and Len Brown know each other's lines backwards - and at times have sport trying to steal the punchlines.

Super City candidates tweet their mayoral plans
The race to be the Auckland Super City's first leader is "tweeting" up as mayoral candidates deliver bite-sized campaign messages.