Latest fromLocal Government

Mayor defends hobby suggestions for councillors
Wellington's mayor has defended a leaked email which suggests councillors learn Te Reo, Mandarin or ballroom dancing to keep 'mentally fit'.

Brown wants free pools for all
Auckland Mayor Len Brown is keen to extend the free swimming pools policy in Manukau to the whole city.

Police investigate mayor's election spending
Whakatane Mayor Tony Bonne's election over-spending is now under police investigation after a rise in complaints over his campaign costs.

Jim Eagles: Free spirits must follow rules too
I am starting to think that in this case we do need a national policy on freedom camping, so campers and locals know exactly what the rules are.

Review gives new hope for decaying theatre
The potential refurbishment of the St James Theatre has received a boost from Auckland Mayor Len Brown.

Under-threat cottages in good condition - surveyor
Three much-loved art deco houses scheduled to be demolished are in good condition, contrary to the Auckland Council's assertion that they are in disrepair and should be knocked down, a surveyor says.

Dog fee boost makes rebel ratepayer seek breakaway
The Whakatane District Council faces turmoil with the possibility of 10,000 residents defecting to neighbouring Kawerau.

NZ: Land of unhealthy homes
Three out of four New Zealand homes are failing to meet new energy-efficiency standards.

<i>Matt McCarten:</i> Awards for masterstrokes and meltdowns
Matt McCarten gives the Slow-Learner Certificate to Pansy Wong and the Giant-Killer Prize to Pete Hodgson, among other awards.