Latest fromLocal Government

Auckland's $350m talk of the town
The Government is negotiating with SkyCity to build the country's largest convention centre in Auckland in exchange for changes to gambling regulations.

Look out, taniwha on the Auckland rail track
Plans for an Auckland city rail link tunnel could be spiked by a taniwha - a spiritual creature...

More supercities on way
The country's cities could take control of small-town New Zealand, as ministers investigate the biggest nationwide council shake-up in nearly 25 years.

Sleep in saves life - off to buy Lotto
Ramon Milner slept through his alarm yesterday morning - and the lie-in could have saved his life.

Smell of gas before explosion
A woman was killed and six men left with injuries similar to those sustained by "landmine" victims while inspecting work on a water pipe in Auckland's Onehunga yesterday.

John Roughan: Let's all keep Sunday quiet
Noise can be an act of vandalism as thoughtless and boorish as any.

Gary Taylor: Stakeholders want a future for their shared waterway
The Hauraki Gulf needs a proper plan.

Brian Rudman: At last, money to halt city's heritage ruin
This week, Auckland councillors put our money where the mayor's mouth has loudly been.

Court clears path for Akl quarry housing plan
A quarry in Auckland's Three Kings can be filled in and used for hundreds of new houses, parkland and commercial premises, says the Environment Court.