Latest fromLocal Government

John Key: Waking the taniwha
The Maori Council's Waitangi Tribunal water claim has served notice that the "taniwha" of Maori customary ownership has been awakened by the Government's partial asset sales plan.

Super-size the team - city pays $93,000 for its 36 conference seats
36 Auckland Council delegates will be at a Local Govt conference in Queenstown, costing ratepayers more than $93k.

Brian Rudman: BSA's bizarre Michael Laws ruling
The Broadcasting Standards Authority made an ass of itself this week, slapping Michael Laws with a wet bus ticket.

Auditor-General to scrutinise refusal to show V8 documents
The Auditor-General is investigating a complaint that a secret report on the V8 supercars was hidden from Auckland Council.

Matt Greenop: Snap call on V8s no recipe for success
As a fan, Matt Greenop is happy to see the V8s get funding. But as a ratepayer, he has a different view.

Town outraged by rude rash of freedom campers
Freedom campers who urinate and defecate in public and bathe naked in Lake Taupo are ruining business and a pristine environment, say local tourism operators.