Latest fromLocal Government

Deal brings land opening closer
Auckland Council and the Government have struck a deal to fast-track plans to free up land for residential department.

Maurice Williamson: 'It's not about me'
Maurice Williamson has told the producers of the Ellen DeGeneres show that he won't make an appearance if the focus is on him.

Auckland Council approves rate rise
The Auckland Council has approved a 2.9 per cent rates increase this year.

Druggies race to beat K2 ban
A single dairy may have sold $200,000 of synthetic drugs in three months, a select committee has heard, as users start stockpiling before legislation bans them.

Auckland rates to rise average 2.9pc
Auckland rates will rise on average by 2.9 per cent this year under Mayor Len Brown's inflation-sensitive budget to be put to the council tomorrow for approval.

Can you afford this house?
A $224,000 prototype house, aimed at Aucklanders who want an affordable place, has been built at Papakura.

Plan holds no fear for city chiefs
Auckland councillors are relatively unaffected by a new way of life that includes high-rise apartments and intensification for many of the city's 1.5 million residents.

Appeal against leaky home time limit goes to Supreme Court
In a test case that could affect thousands of leaky home owners, an Auckland couple have been granted leave for a Supreme Court appeal against a Weathertight Homes Tribunal decision.

Maurice for Mayor gains support
The political right is already hailing the prospect of Maurice Williamson as Mayor of Auckland as a potential "circuit breaker" for local government in the Super City.

Pay up or city suffers, business warns
Auckland business leaders are sounding dire warnings about the Super City's future if citizens shun road tolls or higher rates and taxes to fund major transport improvements.

Editorial: Aucklanders need to accept road charges
Editorial: The traffic jams that snagged Auckland roads on two nights late last week could hardly have been more timely for the Consensus Building Group, which is advising the Auckland Council on transport funding.

Secret plan papers kept from public
The Auckland Council is sitting on secret documents used to draw up a new planning rulebook for the city and instructed its top lawyer to keep them hidden from the public.

Govt cuts hit refugees, budget help
Budgeting services are facing cuts and New Zealand's only hostel for asylum seekers may have to close because of the ending of a government scheme.

Sections to soar in value under plan
Auckland homeowners could become about $24 billion richer under Auckland Council's proposed Unitary Plan as the value of sections will shoot up.

Kiwis still crave slice of suburbia
The "suburban dream" of living in a standalone home is still alive and well - a finding that could harm Auckland Council's push for more terraced housing.

Go straight to Ponsonby
Fancy playing Monopoly through Ponsonby Rd, Queen St or Dominion Rd?

Bob Jones: Beware gullibility in the art world
One can giggle at the twisted iron behind large reception desks, supplied by wide boy so-called art consultants, but ultimately it's their money to waste, writes Bob Jones.

Brian Rudman: 'Donkey votes' can make an ass of council election
Tomorrow, Auckland councillors decide whether candidates' names in this year's ballot papers should be listed in alphabetical order, writes Brian Rudman.

Editorial: Waitemata must not be narrowed
Editorial: Council should give clear message to port company The Auckland port company is proving very slow to get a simple message: the Waitemata is not to be narrowed.

Vote extends port debate
Aucklanders will get a say on reclaiming more of the Waitemata Harbour for port operations after a move to fast-track the latest plans into law was rejected yesterday.

Mayor has support to reclaim more of harbour - council source
Auckland Mayor Len Brown has the numbers to push ahead with filling in more Waitemata Harbour, a senior council source says.

Fast track means dumping review
Auckland councillors are being urged to effectively dump a review of port development options in favour of fast-tracking the latest expansion plans into law.

Business trio challenge Auckland port plans
Leading Auckland business figures are squaring off ahead of a crucial vote today on reclaiming more of the Waitemata Harbour for port operations.

Mark Donnelly: A sledgehammer update to planning
Auckland's Unitary Plan takes a sledgehammer to decades of agreed zoning and the property rights of Aucklanders, writes Mark Donnelly. Reportedly 56 per cent of properties may be rezoned for intensification.

Editorial: Council needs to step up and fight for city's unitary plan
Editorial: Auckland's newly promulgated unitary plan has entered a rocky stretch of water called local-body election year.