Tauranga mayoral race: Q&A with Tanya Bamford-King
Local Democracy Reporting asked the 15 mayoral candidates their thoughts on four topics.
Local Democracy Reporting asked the 15 mayoral candidates their thoughts on four topics.
City council announced the calamity on April 23. Water use has been restricted since then.
The meeting was called after a code of conduct complaint.
Prominent developer says event celebrated 'overdue' CBD work kicked off by commission.
Local Democracy Reporting asked the 15 mayoral candidates their thoughts on four topics.
Homeowners worried insurance companies will use report as excuse to refuse cover.
The council says the advert was intended to be tongue-in-cheek.
Any Kiwi can propose a new name for a geographic feature, suburb or town.
Six months ago, a safety hub opened in the CBD - has it made a difference to crime stats?
Local Democracy Reporting asked the 15 mayoral candidates their thoughts on four topics.
The indoor facility was initially due to reopen last month.
The email tirade was allegedly generated by a single individual.
Nobby Clark is facing his second code of conduct complaint about his behaviour.
Several councils have made funding cuts to the organisation in their LTPs.
NZTA is consulting on changes that will give councils less money for road repairs.
HDC spends $9 million a year on roads and footpaths
Convicted offender Ashley Hillis wants to show that people can change for the better.
Division in a left-voting bloc could be the making of the mayor and her colleagues.
Gallery staff 'will take up residence' at the end of June.
"Even if they only have a couple of hours to give, that can make a world of difference."
All three accused in $3.5m public sector corruption claims now deny charges.
Pay boss says high performers shouldn't be penalised when others are dragging the chain.
Contractors have laid down the final piece of a new concrete footpath behind Mitre 10.
OPINION: Unlocking access to funding capital markets can help finance NZ's key challenges.
'We are putting it in very capable hands.'
OPINION: My people are not disengaged from government, they are disenchanted.
The byelection was sparked by the resignation of Melaina Huaki in May.
Mayor Grant Smith said a lower budget would destroy relationships and rip up $5m of work.
Locals on road repairs, the Grey St project, and reducing division through respect.
Year 5 and 6 students from Raumati South School planted at Queen Elizabeth Park.