Tribes out to influence look of city
Auckland's 13 Maori tribes say they want to "change the face of Auckland" through infrastructure and housing developments.
Auckland's 13 Maori tribes say they want to "change the face of Auckland" through infrastructure and housing developments.
Ellerslie resident Chris Mills says Auckland Transport is not being honest by claiming to mow the berms of residents who refuse to do so.
Auckland's rates will rise 8.5 per cent in eight years and debt will jump by $480 million.
Auckland Transport has quietly backed down on mowing berms, but is skimping on the quality of grass-cutting.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown got agitated when he was tackled on family values at his first Mayor in the Chair outing in Pukekohe since being embroiled in a sex scandal last October.
The choice facing the elite Act Party Board members, who meet tomorrow to start deciding on its new leader, is one of focusing on either survival or revival, writes Bryce Edwards.
National flags have long been deeply integrated into politics, writes Bryce Edwards.They can be a powerful force for patriotism and nationalism, but also for electoral advantage.
Pacific Islanders need to rediscover their entrepreneurial spirit, says the new minister tasked with turning around their job and education prospects.
Auckland's economic prospects look the best in seven years, based on labour, housing construction and manufacturing activity.
David Cunliffe has sparked some big questions with his election year opening speech and 'Best Start' policy announcement, writes Bryce Edwards.
'Come to our bake sale,' said a member of a group trying to raise $140k for a court appeal against a $950k sewer tunnel project.
How do we know it's election year? Bryce Edwards teases out the tell-tale signs that politicians are keen for your vote - and it stars with kissing babies.
Expectations are rising for a settlement by Auckland Mayor Len Brown towards the $100,000-plus cost of a review into his extramarital affair to be made public.
As part of his platform for last year's local body elections, Mayor Len Brown said he would push for a 2016 start to Auckland's $2.86b city rail link. However, his ability to gain an early start to the rail link has been much reduced.
John Key has once again shown himself to be the master pragmatist with an eye for winning votes, writes Bryce Edwards.
Hundreds of thousands of Auckland households face rates rises bigger than the 2.4 per cent average hike being proposed by Mayor Len Brown.
Dr Lindo Ferguson, a former Auckland civic leader and notable heritage campaigner, has died in the Far North, aged 90.
Dairy giant Fonterra has confirmed it is close to reaching a commercial deal with Auckland Council.
Len Brown has hinted at seeking a third Super City mayoral term in 2016, saying the factors that will guide him include the support of his wife.
Motorists wrongly ticketed in multi-occupancy vehicle lanes want Auckland Transport to use better detection tools such as thermal imaging.
Fonterra is buying the naming rights for Shed 10 on Auckland's Queens Wharf - and will use its Anchor brand, the Herald understands.
'I put this down as a mayor terrified of the real public.' Questions are being raised about the level of security surrounding Auckland mayor Len Brown.
This year presents exciting possibilities to deliver on the goals of the Auckland Plan, writes Auckland's Mayor Len Brown.
Shan Inglis is now in the sights of Wellington man Graham McCready, who is considering laying a private prosecution against her over her husband's hotel upgrades and freebies.
Charging documents for the private prosecution against embattled Auckland Mayor Len Brown have now been delivered to the city's district court.