Environmentalists and farmers question Govt proposals on forestry rules
Forestry Minister cites 'unworkable regulatory burden' as a reason for proposed changes.
Forestry Minister cites 'unworkable regulatory burden' as a reason for proposed changes.
Gisborne councillors ponder whether to wait for national guidance on freshwater planning.
The Far North District Council is the last of 45 to decide on its Māori ward.
'Our public spaces are meant for everyone to enjoy, and vandalism ... ruins this.'
New laws mean councils need to review how best to provide water services.
Sheep are often left to roam free in vineyards to help keep the grass and weeds down.
Cash boost part of $32.9b National Land Transport Programme for 2024-2027.
'In one year? What are they thinking?'
Changes include take & use of water, wetland construction & agricultural intensification.
Gisborne school seems to have breached consent by operating classes on ground floor.
The AT board also ignored Brown's wish for a contested recruitment process.
'We're just getting kicked left, right and centre just for trying to be a Māori.'
OPINION: The task is on ratepayers' backs, and it shouldn't be.
It comes as the council spends $30k chasing owners of unregistered dogs.
'Nobody would buy it... the threat is right there and nothing has been fixed.'
Tauranga City Council is seeking funding for the $82m 15th Ave to Welcome Bay project
Online abuse rising in NZ but interactions mainly positive for Gisborne councillors.
A long-time friend shares his sadness at the news of the king's death.
It's been a busy start to the job for the new Waipa District Council CEO.
OPINION: Our readers write in on a range of issues, including free speech.
The Gisborne Mayor commends Nicola Willis' call to challenge online trolls and abuse.
OPINION: 'We have no idea what the Government believes are council luxuries.'
About 60 people came to hear what the decision would be.
A ferry service between Mount Maunganui and Tauranga could be on the way in 2025.
Auckland Council has proposed to move the weekly bin collection to fortnightly.
Gisborne's mayor celebrates awards, reflects on the region's frequent severe storms.
OPINION: Readers write on Māori wards, forestry prosecution costs, green energy issues.
How much the council collected in two months - and what will be refunded.
Northland Regional Council pushes back against polling
Firewood is believed to be the main motivator for the rise in wood chopping.