Latest fromLiving

French cuisine: Bon appetit
Auckland is home to many gourmets who celebrate the art of French cuisine. Claire McCall meets a few.

Mining French politics for laughs
If you like your politics French and funny, try this, says Dominic Corry.

Best school holiday DVDs
If nothing on telly appeals, try videos of classic Kiwi kids’ TV.

Central North Island: Snow in July - you can rely
Paul Charman on the joys of a weekend driving around the Central Plateau.

Happy holiday activities
Rachel Grunwell checks out fun activities for the school holidays, plus family-friendly things to note on the calendar for later in the year.

TV Preview: Conspiracy and paranoia
Forty years after Watergate, the scandal still resonates.

Hot in the kitchen (+recipes)
It’s time for spicy soup, slow-cooked chicken and hot chocolate sauce, write Kasey and Karena Bird.

Matariki - time for renewal
Let's make the most of our special New Year, writes Meg Liptrot.

Design: I, robot, will mow your lawn
Lawn mowing is an art form I’ve been obsessed with for as long as I can remember.

Waitomo: Why go? Because it rocks!
A visit to Waitomo has long been on our family’s holiday "to do" list...

TV preview: Chch quake drama Hope and Wire
The shattered lives and fractured landscape of the garden city provide drama in TV3’s new series.

Delaney Mes: Born in the USA (+recipes)
Think beyond burgers and fries and embrace the taste of New York, writes Delaney Mes.