Our $100 million problem: The rising cost of head knocks in sport
The scale of the concussion issue in New Zealand is highlighted by this alarming figure.
The scale of the concussion issue in New Zealand is highlighted by this alarming figure.
John Williams became the first Kiwi rugby player to publicly commit his brain to science.
The Law Commission has recommended new regime to control how DNA is obtained and used.
Trump is reportedly preparing to steal Biden's thunder on Inauguration Day.
Twenty years ago, Giuliani was riding the crest of a wave. Today, he's treading water.
"Voters, not lawyers, choose the president. Ballots, not briefs, decide elections."
Trump faces decades-worth of sexual misconduct allegations.
He rose to prominence as 'America's mayor'. He's falling from grace as Trump's lawyer.
One judge noted that Trump's own legal team regarded its witness statements as "spam".
The former politician is also seeking costs of more than $150,000.
Up to 12 alleged victims of abuse are taking legal action against the private school.
Republicans are prepared to challenge the legitimacy of mail-in ballots in toss-up states.
Grant was denied a licence after being deemed to not be a 'fit and proper person'.
"I don't understand why we are protecting someone who hides behind mummy's skirt."
Both sides know the US election may not be decided at the ballot box, but in court.
The former rich-lister will be a guest of Her Majesty at Pentonville Prison in London.
The well-known columnist served prison time for fraud and credit card offences.
Richard Blackwood wanted more than $75,000 after having his convictions overturned.
It was the first time the country's top court has squarely considered directors' duties.
"Reliance on social media 'popularity' is a blunt approach," High Court judge says.
Advance NZ believes it has a 'good prospect' of winning the Te Tai Tokerau electorate.
Paul Bublitz stole $1.17m and then sought almost the same amount for his legal costs.
It is not the first time a minor party has taken legal action after being left out.
"The offences of which he has been convicted are not minor or technical," judge says.
A lengthy case involving three Las Vegas casino bosses and a Kiwi winery has ended.
The quake-prone building was found to be less than 20 per cent of building standards.
Officer's mistake resulted in civil claim and agreement.
The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal has quashed the convictions and ordered a retrial.
'Cartels can harm consumers and business, by raising prices, restricting supply.'
Billy Te Kahika released lawyers' letters and party financial information.