Latest fromLitigation

Transparency call from aggrieved ANZ-ING investors
A group supporting investors in ING's frozen funds has called for more transparency around the settlement of claims against ANZ.

Boston Finance pushed into receivership
Finance company Boston Finance, one of the many currently in a moratorium, has finally been put into receivership.

Blue Chip mortgages go to appeal
The case of two Whangarei pensioners battling Blue Chip goes before the Court of Appeal this week.

Firms facing court action linked to key adviser
A finance company that received investment advice from a Commerce Commission member is facing legal action over the investments it recommended.

Heifer heist mystifies Crafar receiver
Michael Stiassny is flabbergasted at the moonlight migration of more than 1000 cattle which began on Friday.

NZ firms told to pay up $53m
A US judge has ordered two NZ incorporated companies to pay US$40 million to 200 American investors for running a "mini Ponzi scheme".

Harry Potter dinner party banned in UK
A single mum who planned to host a Harry Potter themed dinner for Halloween in her London home has been threatened with legal action by a major Hollywood studio.

David Tua and managers settle
David Tua is understood to have reached an agreement with his former managers, settling a long-running court battle.

Man sues farmer after calf writes off car
A man successfully sues a farmer for more than $5000 after his car was written off when it hit a calf.

Nicolas Cage sues ex-manager
Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage is suing his former business manager for US$20 million.

Crafar Farms head will conduct appeal himself
Allan Crafar says he will appeal against recent convictions for 'dirty dairying' practices.

Westpac tax ruling sends tough message
Westpac has lost its High Court challenge against Inland Revenue and has been ordered to pay almost $1 billion in back taxes.

Cyberbullying victim fights back after 'skank' attack
An ex-model slammed in a blog as a 'lying, whoring skank' challenges web users anonymity - and succeeds.