Auckland Council house raid goes too far, says judge
Mike Lee has called the case a 'disproportionate abuse of power' by council.
Mike Lee has called the case a 'disproportionate abuse of power' by council.
COMMENT: They outlast economic downturns and — for some — scandals, so what's the secret?
"Almost everybody I talk to think Shelly Bay is a rusting eyesore."
Crown and its lawyers to face scrutiny of historic claim settlement strategies.
167 documents totalling more than 2000 pages are about to be unsealed and made public.
COMMENT: Litigation between former partners drags on after more than 20 years.
Lawsuit against Ireland Rugby Football Union over rogue ball unlikely to succeed here.
The court ruled its case was "legally without substance", and based on opinion not fact.
Partners should also share income for a period after a breakup, Law Commission says.
Māori have been identified as among the country's most vulnerable to climate change.
Judge says it is time to proceed on defective cladding case.
Former military man - supported by his partner - claims he is the victim.
The weedkiller has been implicated in non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a type of cancer.
The Supreme Court says it won't take the case.
A group within local iwi has become an incorporated society as it prepares for litigation.
The owner of a $20m beachfront home destroyed by fire wants to help others.
Courtroom defeats have left the high-flying businessman facing huge demands for payment.
Litigation funding occurs when a third party finances a court case.
COMMENT: Newshub offered NZ the chance to a question no one was asking in the first place.
The high-level meeting comes at a time when studio space is in high demand.
Opposition to application to liquidate is understood to have been withdrawn.
The maunga authority wants the more restrictive viewshaft rules to take priority.
Why was teen boy in prison for nearly 10 years when rape accuser confessed to making up?
COMMENT: A classic philosophical confrontation between left and right.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh fallout is set to influence the midterm elections.
The rescue campaign was as bold as the Democratic effort to stop Kavanaugh.
"Shocking slow, unresponsive and they can't get it right!"
Jenny Shipley in court for high-profile case against Mainzeal's former directors.
Homeowners reject Tauranga City Council offer. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Decision a first under Environment Court's new powers