$59m divorce case under way: Husband 'dragging the chain' over $700k payment
Lawyer accuses husband of 'dragging the chain' over a $700,000 payment.
Lawyer accuses husband of 'dragging the chain' over a $700,000 payment.
Court of Appeal rules Stephen Biggs must pay Sophie Biggs $700,000 without delay.
The honeymooners plan to seek damages from both the cruise line and the tour operators.
Gavin Hurlimann argued the money represented an 'unconscionable bargain'.
Her uncle had only told one person - his stepson - of a $17 million Lotto win.
They're trying to prove their 'tiny house' - two units pushed together - is a vehicle.
When a three-way relationship breaks up, who gets the family home?
The socialite is taking legal action over missed payments from the royal couple.
Parties head to High Court over takeover talks.
A debate has begun about whether New Zealand's lockdown was legal in the first place.
The Sussexes' court battle against the British press may blow open a royal secret.
It claims lockdown dobbers would 'snitch on Anne Frank'. The Jewish Council has hit back.
Argument in hotel lobby leads to Employment Relations Authority hearing.
How can cruise ship passengers take a class action against cruise lines?
COMMENT: Legal recourse will be a matter of survival for many, Nikki Chamberlain says.
At least 16 New Zealand virus cases linked to the ship.
Radiographer accused of sexually inappropriate behaviour towards cleaner.
Comments come after a series of drawn-out matrimonial legal battles.
Tenancy Tribunal dismisses doctor's warning over "damp" house for pregnant mum.
Could lack of employee benefits for contractors soon be about to change?
The marae, chaired by Dr Lance O'Sullivan, has been fighting to evict the man for months.
COMMENT: Here are some of the best moments of 2019.
Four children went to court to claim some of their estranged dad's Lotto win.
Moyrah Ryan Lewis still in financial difficulties after caveat placed on retirement home.
Anna Radford of a local protest group has welcomed the legal action.
A ruling by the US Supreme Court has upended a longstanding legal roadblock.
Financial records reveal mounting donations to groups taking legal action over Shelly Bay.
Court documents reveal a donation agreement between WingNut films and an iwi group.
Peters says his reputation was "destroyed in seconds" by a leak about his pension.
Potential jurors will pack the court this morning for the trial of a Dunedin doctor.