Latest fromLifestyle / Wellbeing

I stopped caring about what other people think (and you can too)
Telegraph: This simple yet powerful mindset shift helps you stop worrying about others.

Sleep myths debunked: Do women need more rest than men?
New York Times: Experts weigh in on the question that’s all over our social media feeds.

Can you get rid of cold sores for good?
New York Times: Experts explain what they do, and don’t, recommend.

Longevity gap: Why do women live longer than men?
New York Times: Scientists hope to help both sexes age better,

I cheated, should I come clean? The questions therapists are asked after an affair
Telegraph: Here are the questions to ask if one of you has an affair.

Is ‘Zone 2’ the magic effort level for exercise?
New York Times: Slower, steadier workouts might be the key to better metabolic health.

Ask an expert: I found porn on my husband’s computer – I’m furious!
New York Times: A wife feels disgusted and betrayed after discovering a lurid image.

‘A lovely boyfriend’: More women fall victim to Martin Henderson romance scam
One woman paid $120,000 and thought she was in a relationship with the actor for a year.

How long can yoghurt sit out? And more food-safety questions, answered
New York Times: Your favourite breakfast staple is surprisingly long-lasting.

As an oncologist, I have advice: Don’t wait until retirement to enjoy life
Here are five things my patients have taught me about living meaningfully.

I thought I was a fit 52-year-old man – until I tried Reformer Pilates
Telegraph: Pilates isn’t just for toned women.

Society Insider: Sir John Key’s new $6m chopper; NZ’s tallest hotel penthouse for sale at $16m
Plus, Jordan Rondel after selling mega-successful boxed baking kit business, The Caker.

How to deal with early waking and sleep better
A sleep psychologist suggests ways to protect sleep from intrusions.

Revealed: Auckland Art Gallery's new $217,500-plus sculpture
Single biggest art purchase this year revealed.

My patient was using a therapy chat bot. Was that okay?
AI can be useful as a supplement to treatment. But there are risks, too.

Who killed Matthew Perry? Inside a Hollywood tragedy
Times: The case has pulled the curtain on the shady networks that prey on wealthy addicts.

Five surprising health benefits of flossing daily
Telegraph: Flossing helps mitigate the serious health risks associated with gum disease.

Working a night shift? Here’s how to take care of yourself
New York Times: Researchers have linked shift work to a variety of health and sleep issues

Three ways to track your fitness over time
New York Times: Gains take time, but regular tracking of strength helps keep you on track.

‘My father was a narcissist – people throw that word around without knowing the horror of it’
Experts caution against overuse and social media diagnosis.

Prediabetes diet: What to eat if you’re at risk, according to the experts
Telegraph: Managing prediabetes starts on your plate.