Letters: Winston Peters the elder statesman; punish parents of naughty kids
OPINION: 'How can we all live alongside such dictatorship within a democracy?'
OPINION: 'How can we all live alongside such dictatorship within a democracy?'
OPINION: 'Parents can’t and shouldn’t hover over their progeny 24/7.'
OPINION: 'Society as a whole will suffer, not just the needy.'
OPINION: 'New Zealand will do well by steering clear from warmongering.'
OPINION: 'National is most wary of being scrutinised by current affairs media.'
OPINION: It is frightening to think [of the outcome] if a semi-automatic had been used.
OPINION: 'So why not save money and don’t bother with a mayor?'
OPINION: 'These youngsters know they can get away with their criminal behaviour.'
OPINION: Would raising the alcohol excise tax help?
OPINION: 'Another classic case of a lack of regular maintenance and engineering checks'.
OPINION: 'MPs are just public servants too, aren’t they?
OPINION: 'Are these scenarios examples of either cynical politics or self-interest?'
OPINION: 'The solution to the problem of student behaviour starts at home.'
OPINION: 'The risk Coutts accepted bit him on the backside. That’s business.'
OPINION: 'A bit like our sacked MPs who turn up as advisors to private business.'
OPINION: 'Why is the ordinary ratepayer subsidising air travellers?'
OPINION: Questioning out-of-town helicopters, and a call to buy Napier's medical centre.
OPINION: Good teachers should not be accountable to a nationally imposed system.
OPINION: 'Our new Government has an opportunity to demonstrate compassion.'
OPINION: 'Build a new bridge, right beside the existing one, on the eastern side.'
OPINION: 'Renters don't add a lot of value to a house they don't own.'
OPINION: The promise of tax cuts was only an election bribe to help get into power.
OPINION: 'It’s bye bye Russell and three cheers for the dolphins.'
OPINION: Next time, stick to Auckland for sailing events.
OPINION: Ban all of these silly pre-game tribal exhortations and get on with the game.
OPINION: 'The saviour of rugby needs to come from World Rugby at breakneck speed.'
OPINION: 'Spitting has no place today.'
OPINION: Will this Govt succumb to foot-in-mouth disease?
OPINION: 'Learn to behave and live in harmony with your neighbours.'
OPINION: 'What is this country coming to... rude protests, spitting and violence.'