Latest fromLegislation
Drink-driving limits 'ridiculous' - minister
Transport Minister Steven Joyce hints at tougher drink-driving laws, describing existing alcohol limits for drivers as "ridiculous".
Landlords hit hard by wayward tenants
Landlords are hitting back at property managers after paying thousands of dollars in fees only to have their houses trashed by tenants.
New law to clarify work breaks
Legislation allowing workers to take meal and breast-feeding breaks may be changed.
Rule changes target mobile phone users, bikers
Drivers will be banned from using cellphones in their vehicles from November under new rules that will also require motorcyclists to use their headlights during the day.
More changes for KiwiSaver, says English
KiwiSaver rules may be changed, says Finance Minister Bill English.
'Read before criticising', minister tells lawyers
Justice Minister Simon Power and lawyers trade blows over his rape case proposals.
Partial defence of provocation set to be dumped
Justice Minister Simon Power says the defence of provocation has no place in law and will be subject to reform.