Latest fromLegislation
Simon Power's speech on support for crime victims
Justice Minister Simon Power's speech announcing changes in Government support for the victims of serious crime.
More financial support for crime victims
Victims of serious crime will now get more financial support - including a payment for attending the court hearing of the accused.
Watchdog warns on 'invasive' search law
The Privacy Commissioner has warned MPs that a proposed law widening authorities' powers of search and surveillance needs more safeguards.
Motorcyclists say ACC rises unfair
Motorcyclists say they are being blamed for accidents caused by other drivers and steep ACC increases are not justified.
Safety bonus as drivers face big ACC rises
Motorists and motorcyclists face hikes in ACC levies, but a carrot is being dangled at owners of safe, modern cars.
Govt to announce ACC changes
The Govt will today announce how it intends reducing ACC entitlements so levy increases can be kept within reasonable limits.
Crown Law to review internet publishing laws
The Crown Law Office reviewing internet publication, after recent cases raised questions over contempt of court and suppression order breaches.
More powers needed to censure private schools - report
Greater powers are needed to censure private schools which are not up to scratch, the Law Commission has recommended.
Make Super City seats a conscience vote - iwi
Ngati Whatua says there is enough support for Maori Super City seats within the National Party to warrant a conscience vote.
Referendum on referendums proposed
The Kiwi Party's leader has proposed a referendum asking: 'Should Citizens Initiated Referendum seeking to repeal or amend a law be binding?'