Latest fromLegislation

$50b rise in ETS costs 'shows process too rushed'
MPs are pointing to a $50bn increase in the estimated cost of the Govt's proposed ETS changes as evidence of the process being rushed.

Govt accused of $50bn ETS blunder
A report out today says the government's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) could cost twice as much as originally estimated.

Name suppression rules need changing - lawyers
Court proceedings should be more open and transparent, the Law Commission says.

Nearly half say they will vote to ditch MMP
Almost half of all voters would like to see MMP scrapped, a new opinion poll suggests.

Few drivers caught on cellphones
Police reported high compliance with the new hand-held cellphone ban after its introduction yesterday.

Debate continues as cellphone law comes into effect
Holding your cellphone while driving is now banned - but debate is still raging over whether the new law will reduce the accident rate.

Police given wider powers to take DNA
MPs today passed a law that by 2011 will allow police to take DNA samples from anyone they intend charging with an imprisonable offence.

Drivers go hands-free as phone ban looms
New Zealanders are choosing hands-free options to keep talking while driving as a ban on cellphone use nears.

MP: Insurance firms could have donated to Nats' campaign
A Labour MP suggests insurance companies could have contributed to National's election campaign with ACC reform in mind.

ACC bill reading marked by tense debate
Labour's David Parker calls the Govt's bill a 'fundamental assault' on the principles of ACC.

Police: How we'll enforce phone law
Police will be using their discretion as motorists adjust to the pending law that bans use of handheld cellphones while driving.