Latest fromLegislation

MMP shake-up if vote is 'yes'
The most unpopular features of MMP could be ditched if voters opt to keep the electoral system in the referendum on it at next year's election.

Govt releases proposed new election rules
There will be no spending limits on parallel campaigners under new election rules proposed by the Government.

MMP referendum questions released
What do you think of the proposed questions for next year's MMP referendum?

Wellington 'imposing' reforms on Auckland
A top Auckland business leader says there is a growing perception that the Super City reforms are being imposed by Wellington.

Opposition would be hit if inmates denied vote, reform group says
Labour and Maori Party strongholds will be hit if prisoners are stopped from voting, a prison reform group says.

Tough welfare laws loom this year
New laws to make sole parents look for work after their youngest children turn 6 will be phased in over several years, the Govt says.

Public support for Rudd's ETS collapses
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's green credentials continue to take a hammering.

Worst killers not covered under three strikes law
A proposed three strikes law would have done nothing to prevent some of New Zealand's most notorious killings, critics say.

Homosexuals being used as 'scapegoats' by flawed governments
Homophobia is on rise in Uganda as the government seeks an Anti-Homosexuality Bill and the minister for ethics and integrity insists that it will be every citizen's duty under new laws to denounce anyone they suspect of being gay.

MP seeks crackdown on cruelty to animals
A first-term National Party MP is seeking cross-party support for a law change for harsher penalties in cases of extreme cruelty to animals.

Govt defends proposed changes to Holidays Act
Acting Prime Minister Bill English says the changes make calculating holiday pay rates more transparent.

Unions and Labour argue holiday changes unfair
Unions and the Labour Party have reacted angrily to a Government decision to allow workers to cash in their fourth week of holidays.