Latest fromLegislation

US judge questions 'three strikes' policy
A US judge says 'three strikes' laws can result in unfair sentences, have a limited deterrent effect and make it too easy to ignore rehabilitation.

Key 'was wrong to isolate age issue'
The King's College mother who has challenged the Govt to act on alcohol issues says it is wrong to isolate the problem on the purchase age.

PM announces $225m funding boost for science
John Key says research, science and technology will get the biggest boost after health and education in next week's Budget.

Crowds across US demand immigrant rights
Thousands of protesters rallied in cities across America demanding that President Obama tackle immigration reform immediately.

Australia to ban logos on cigarette packets
Australia is poised to introduce the world's harshest anti-smoking laws, with tobacco companies forced to sell cigarettes in plain packets resembling prescription drug packs.

Youth 'scapegoats' for alcohol issue - lobbyist
An opponent of raising the drinking age says if John Key was 18 right now, he would be unlikely to support it.

Too drunk to walk? That'll be $250
Drunks could be charged $250 for a night in police cells or a ride home in a police car.

<i>John Armstrong:</i> Nats lose their political nerve over booze law
Party politics still rule when it comes to tangling with the vested interests of the liquor and hospitality industries.

Tui billboards headed for the axe
Irreverent Tui billboards will survive even if liquor laws are reviewed the way the Law Commission envisages: Yeah, Right.

Increase in alcohol excise tax 'extremely unlikely' - Power
The Govt says it's likely to reject a recommendation to lift alcohol prices.