Aussie code discourages ultra-skinny fashion models
Australia has moved to take ultra-skinny models off the catwalks and magazines under a new code of conduct announced yesterday.
Australia has moved to take ultra-skinny models off the catwalks and magazines under a new code of conduct announced yesterday.
Attorney-General Chris Finlayson believes about 2000km of NZ's coastline will eventually be covered by iwi customary title.
The Maori Party's often controversial MP Hone Harawira says the Prime Minister was "pandering to rednecks" over the foreshore and seabed deal.
The Govt will introduce a new property title that can be claimed over the foreshore and seabed.
National has relaxed the threshold for claiming customary title but the iwi leaders want it relaxed even further.
All in a day's work: Employment law works best when we all employ a bit of common sense.
Research shows that "nannying" works, with a ban on smoking having a decidedly positive impact on individuals' lives
The Government has embarked on a path to abolish building depreciation on virtually every building type and could hit depreciation claims on commercial building fit-outs in future, says Bayleys Valuations director John Freeman.
The three-strikes legislation will become law, after the National-Act Party bill passed its third reading in Parliament last night.
After strong opposition from Labour, the Greens and the Maori Party the 'three strikes' bill went through its third reading on a vote of 63-58.
Aucklanders will have a greater say in decisions affecting their greatest jewels - including the waterfront - under sweeping changes to plans for the Super City, announced yesterday.