Latest fromLegislation
PM warns against Kiwis becoming 'tenants'
Prime Minister John Key says he doesn't want New Zealanders to become tenants in their own country as foreign companies seek to buy up farms, and the Government may look at law changes.
Parental law set to stop teen drinkers
The Government is considering making it unlawful for adults to give alcohol to young people without their parents' consent.
MP's bill aims for abortion on demand
An MP has taken the controversial step of proposing a new law to legalise abortion on request for women up to 24 weeks pregnant.
<i>Shaughan Campbell:</i> NZ can be proud of fight for animal rights
Convicted animal abusers can now look forward to harsher penalties covering a wider range of offences, says Paw Justice's Shaughan Campbell.
McDonald's backs revised work conditions bill
McDonald's has come out in support of a new law freeing up the rules around staff work breaks.
<i>Mood of the Boardroom:</i> Business backs ACC reform
Plans to end ACC's workplace monopoly have received the ringing endorsement of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).
High-profile Kiwis table petition on alcohol laws
Today a petition was tabled urging Government action to reduce the "enormous negative impact that alcohol is causing".
High-powered Kiwis unite to push for tougher liquor laws
Three knights and two dames among those to speak out in support of tougher drinking laws.
Aussie code discourages ultra-skinny fashion models
Australia has moved to take ultra-skinny models off the catwalks and magazines under a new code of conduct announced yesterday.
Iwi will get 2000km of coastline
Attorney-General Chris Finlayson believes about 2000km of NZ's coastline will eventually be covered by iwi customary title.
Maori Party brushes off Harawira criticism of foreshore deal
The Maori Party's often controversial MP Hone Harawira says the Prime Minister was "pandering to rednecks" over the foreshore and seabed deal.
Foreshore agreement 'means ownership'
Maori groups awarded customary title in the foreshore and seabed will be the legal owners of it and the minerals beneath it.