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Latest updates: Alcohol law announcements
We bring you the latest developments on the alcohol law reform package the Government has adopted.

90-day bill passes first reading
Despite protests from Labour and unions, legislation that extends the 90-day employment probation period passed its first reading in Parliament today.

Alcohol expert puts case to MPs
There is compelling evidence that increasing the legal alcohol purchasing age reduces harm and saves lives, a US professor has told MPs.

Public want income splitting: Dunne
United Future leader Peter Dunne says he is confident public support for his "income sharing" policy will force the Govt to back it.

Bill aims to let couples split income and cut tax
Legislation allowing parents to split their incomes for tax purposes will favour wealthy families with one working parent, Govt documents show.

Dying man's suicide bid
Euthanasia advocates say lawmakers need to address the issue of terminally ill people who try to take their own life.

Govt reduces red tape for DIYers
DIYers will be able to undertake more minor work without red tape and builders will be forced to stand by their work, under law changes.

Big majority for lower alcohol limit
Almost two-thirds of New Zealanders support lowering the drink-driving limit, a survey has revealed.

Nat MPs might get conscience vote on bill
National MPs might be allowed a conscience vote on a Labour Party bill that proposes lowering the drink driving blood alcohol limit, John Key says.

Voter poll says 'no' to new and old
Kiwis are likely to vote for a change to the MMP system for electing MPs but still prefer it to the "first past the post" system, a survey reveals.