Latest fromLegislation

Right-turn rule to change but not before World Cup
A big advertising campaign will prepare drivers for a change to the idiosyncratic right-of-way road rules, but the change will not come until after the Rugby World Cup.

'Confusing' give way rules to change
The Govt will bring NZ's 'confusing' and idiosyncratic give way rules for turning vehicles into line with those in the rest of the world after next year's Rugby World Cup.

<i>Eric Thompson:</i> An honour not worth celebrating
The International Transport Forum has agreed with what I've been banging on about for years - Kiwis are crap drivers.

Minor parties set major tests for Gillard
The leaders of Australia's two major parties have been given a wake-up call.

Customary title claims hit confiscation hurdle
Bay of Plenty iwi say land confiscations in the 1860s could scuttle any chance of gaining customary title to tracts of the foreshore.

Harawira: Few Maori will pass foreshore ownership threshold
Hone Harawira believes that 98pc of Maori will fail to meet the threshold to gain ownership of the foreshore and seabed under pending Govt legislation.

<i>Editorial</i>: Far-reaching powers hide worrying risks
It can be hard to keep perspective when an incident as devastating as the Christchurch earthquake occurs.

Foreshore bill through first reading
Rebel MP Hone Harawira broke ranks with his Maori Party colleagues in Parliament today and voted against the legislation that will replace the Foreshore and Seabed Act.

Earthquake states of emergency extended
The states of emergency put in place after the Canterbury earthquake were this morning extended until midday Thursday.

Concerns over power new bill gives ministers
The Government has taken on sweeping powers to rebuild Christchurch after the earthquake.

Harawira not voting for foreshore bill
Maori Party MP Hone Harawira won't be voting for the new foreshore and seabed legislation that his party fought for.

Political rivals unite to fast-track Christchurch earthquake law
The Govt has won political support for emergency earthquake relief legislation that will bypass existing laws to speed up rebuilding in Canterbury.

PM: Quake NZ's most costly natural disaster
The Canterbury earthquake will be the most costly natural disaster NZ has faced, John Key said today as the Govt announced new measures to deal with rebuilding ruined homes.