Latest fromLegislation

Fans to find out about RWC final tickets
Rugby fans from around the world will find out on Monday whether they have secured tickets to the semisand final of the Rugby World Cup in the third phase of the ticket balloting system.

Turia defends backing for seabed bill
The mainstream parties don't make their decisions based on what is fair, just or moral. They base it on ... politics.

ACC accuses surgeons of putting through unsound claims
Some surgeons are putting through claims they know won't be approved by ACC, its board chairman John Judge says.

'Shoddy' seabed deals thwarted
The Government has bowed to pressure over the foreshore and seabed repeal bill and ditched a provision that would have allowed secret deals to be done with iwi to award customary title.

Goff: Foreshore, seabed process 'absolute disgrace'
Phil Goff says a parliamentary committee ignored the "overwhelmingly" number opposed to the new foreshore and seabed legislation when they recommended it be passed without amendment today.

NZers in Oz taking legal action over 'discriminatory' law
Sick and disabled NZers are taking legal action against the Australian Government over what they call a "discriminatory" law denying them medical care and other state support.

<i>Helen White:</i> Employers finding ways around job law
Contractors are often more vulnerable than wage-earners, writes Helen White

Council looks for power to ban street prostitutes
Prostitutes could be banned from street trading in Auckland and beyond after a Super City council vote.

Three strikes act used on 132 offenders in six months
The three strikes law for violent or sexual criminals has been used on 132 offenders since last June.

Boy-racer law brings 18pc fall in offences
Measures to stop boy-racers from cruising and doing burnouts brought an 18 per cent drop in street-racing offences last year.

Call to 'Monday-ise' public holidays gains momentum
Politicians and unions are calling on the Government to move public holidays that fall on weekends to Monday as workers face losing two days off in 2011.

Union deals sidestep Govt's 90 day law
Unions are protecting thousands of new workers from the Govt's 90-day trial period law by negotiating collective contracts that exempt them from it.

Surcharge confusion stretches to 4th day
Customers claim businesses are being greedy in adding surcharges on days not officially holidays.