Latest fromLegislation

Bullying to become a crime in Aust
An amendment to stalking laws is expected to be introduced in the Victorian state Parliament tomorrow.

Bail-rape accused gets bail - again
A man charged with drugging and raping a woman while he was out on bail has been bailed again, and yesterday his conditions of release were relaxed. In 2009 Paulus Nieuwenhuiysen was charged with possession for supply of Ecstasy,

Juror privacy to be tightened
Legislation that will enhance the privacy, safety and security of jurors was introduced to Parliament today. The move comes after a convicted murderer wrote to a juror whose name he saw on a jury panel list.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Good law better than fast law, says US expert
Lawyer applauds NZ's cautious legal response to tech developments.

Employment law and ACC changes spark anger
Legislative changes effective today were met with a vocal response.

Restrictions on legal highs coming
Legal products that mimic the high given by smoking cannabis are set to be banned for under-18s. Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne today signalled the Government will tighten up its controls on synthetic "cannabinoid" substances...

Concern around local involvement as CERA announced
A new department will focus on Christchurch's recovery from its devastating earthquake but concerns are already being raised that locals will not have enough of a say as Wellington bureaucrats make calls on how to go ahead.

'Archaic' gift duty on its way out
An age-old cat-and-mouse game between trusts and the Inland Revenue Department looks set to end with the abolition of gift duty on October 1.

Parliament passes controversial bill
Legislation that repeals the Foreshore and Seabed Act and gives Maori the right to seek customary title to parts of the coastline has been passed into law after a passionate debate in Parliament.

Brian Fallow: Bill not the way to improve our law
If ever there was a dog in sheep's clothing it is the innocuously titled Regulatory Standards Bill now before Parliament.

Kiwi's discrimination complaint upheld by Aussie tribunal
A tribunal has upheld a race discrimination complaint against a legal definition used to deny disaster recovery payments and social security to thousands of New Zealanders living in Australia.

Act MP's comments on foreshore 'racist'
"Racist" and "inappropriate" remarks by Act MP Hilary Calvert have been condemned by the Maori Party and Attorney-General.

Peaceful hikoi marches down Queen St
The organiser of a hikoi which marched peacefully down Auckland's Queen Street today says the new foreshore and seabed legislation breaches the Treaty of Waitangi.

Raft of changes to consumer law introduced
Measures to give regulators stronger powers to control potentially dangerous goods like laser pointers are among a suite of changes to consumer law introduced today by Consumer Affairs Minister John Boscawen.

<i>Inside Money:</i> Doh a double D (minus)
NZ fund managers rated the most stink in the world by Morningstar.

Parties get set to fight foreshore legislation
Legislation that will replace the Foreshore and Seabed Act could become law by the end of the week, and in Parliament today parties opposed to it were preparing to fight it to the last clause.