Latest fromLegislation

Secret talks on farmers' trading plan
Fonterra's bold plan strikes hurdles, writes Jonathan Underhill.

<i>Anthony Doesburg</i>: Reforms put on a show for telco trainspotters
Fast-changing industry provides plenty of work for market-watchers.

<i>Chris Barton</i>: Pirates may help lawmakers see the treasure
Copyright debate shows politicians have no idea what the internet really is.

Review proposes drug law overhaul
Associate health minister Peter Dunne has welcomed the report, saying the Misuse of Drugs Act is outdated, deficient and needs changing - but the Govt will need time to consider its recommendations.

Earthquake legislation passed
National and Labour buried their differences and pledged to work together to rebuild Christchurch after Parliament passed legislation granting unprecedented powers to authorities responsible for getting the job done.

Labour defends support for file sharing bill
The Labour Party has defended its support for a controversial internet piracy bill.

National's list of laws passed under urgency
Check out laws passed without select committee discussion since the Government swept to power.

Controversial internet piracy bill becomes law
A Govt law tackling unauthorised movie and music downloads and illegal file sharers...

Controversial file-sharing law to pass today
Internet users are voicing their opposition as the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill - the Government's compromise on the controversial Section 92A legislation - is rushed through Parliament.

Critics: Stop pushing laws through too quickly
A Labour MP and a National Party-aligned blogger have joined forces to object to the Govt's frequent

Govt agencies could save $236m a year - Treasury
Govt departments and agencies could save $236m a year in efficiencies on backroom administrative and support service, a Treasury report released today says.