Latest fromLegislation

Garth George: I hope I'm dead and gone before drugs are legalised
Legislative changes over the past half-century have put us on an awful path of social decline.

Synthetic cannabis rules 'welcome'
A major manufacturer of synthetic cannabis has welcomed regulation of the products and is...

Family trust funds under siege
Are family trusts still a safe haven for assets and income?

Mai Chen: Money talks but only Parliament can change the law
If money determines law and policy, then those with money will always win. But a democracy is supposed to be about the power of ideas and a good idea should be able to stand on its own feet without a cash inducement.

Problem camper bill passes first reading
A bill aimed at changing the nasty habits of some freedom campers passed its first reading in Parliament today.

UN criticises NZ's three-strike piracy law
The United Nations has declared internet access a human right and criticised "three strikes" laws like that in New Zealand.

Synthetic drug easy for kids to buy
15-year-old gets cannabis substitute 'as easily as an icecream' from dairy near city schools.

Mainfreight hits record earnings on global freight recovery
Mainfreight has achieved record earnings in the 2011 financial year as a recovery in global freight supports its grab for market share.

Anthony O'Brien: Compulsory care goes only so far in preventing suicide
The call by the Rotorua coroner for changes to the law to enable easier access to compulsory mental health treatment is understandable given the tragedy of suicide.

Telecom split hangs on law change, shareholder vote, Reynolds tells staff
Telecom's split into a network company and service wholesaler and retailer now only hangs on a law change next month and a shareholder vote later this year, chief executive Paul Reynolds has told staff.

Labour proposes dedicated 'Ministry for Children'
Labour will dis-establish the Families Commission in its next term in government and instead set up a Ministry for Children, with a senior “minister for children” sitting at the Cabinet table.