Latest fromLegislation

Unholy alliance: National's united opposition
Labour, the Greens and NZ First look uncannily like a united opposition as they join forces in a three-pronged assault on John Key's administration. Jonathan Milne goes behind the scenes with the key players in the plot to overthrow the Government.

Treaty settlement could see tree on One Tree Hill
An historic Treaty settlement could pave the way for a new tree to be planted on the summit of One Tree Hill.

Fonterra gains small victory on road to TAF
Parliament's primary production select committee has deleted a clause which Fonterra said would have stopped TAF in its tracks.

Door-knock, telemarketing sales laws change
Decades-old laws covering door to door sales laws are set to change later this year.

Labour leader comes out in support of gay marriage
David Shearer has followed in the footsteps of Barack Obama and revealed his support for gay marriage, but stopped short of 'formal support'.

Fran O'Sullivan: The State goes capitalist
There are high hopes the forthcoming IPOs will result in good returns for the Government, as well as for small investors writes Fran O'Sullivan