Latest fromLegislation

Penny Hulse: Yes, we have an agenda - 'a better city'
Vision is vital because Auckland's success will drive NZ's success, writes Penny Hulse

Principal slams Govt drug changes
A Northland headmaster has written to John Key about his concerns over banning drug sniffer dogs from schools, saying it is "short-sighted nonsense".

Labour law changes made
A change is on the way for a controversial labour law that protects vulnerable workers when their job is restructured.

Hundreds busted for drug-driving
The country's top road policing officer says most drugged drivers are not being charged by police for that crime because they're also being caught drink driving.

Council weighs merging CCOs
Auckland Council is considering cutting the number of unelected council-controlled organisations from seven to four.

Drinking ban extends to all of CBD
Proposal to outlaw liquor 24/7 in parks, cars, streets and cemetery to plug existing gaps.

MP seeks big adoption changes
A Green MP says his bill to reform adoption law is much broader than gay adoption and will provide a much needed overhaul, including open adoptions.

Legal aid law changes watered down
Justice Minister Judith Collins has watered down legal aid reforms which aimed to save money by charging for family and civil disputes.

Kiwis in Aussie protest welfare reforms
Hundreds of New Zealanders living in Australia have signed a petition against social security laws which they say have created a Kiwi "underclass".

New police surveillance powers
New police search and surveillance laws have come into effect overnight, which will let more government agencies carry out surveillance operations.

Lobbying bill begins to worry MPs
Fears that chats with politicians while out shopping or at sport could breach code.

Call for 'speedy passage' of alcohol bill
Auckland Mayor Len Brown is urging Parliament to pass the alcohol law reform legislation soon, so communities can prepare to use the new rules effectively.

Alexander Gillespie: Legal code of conduct for politicians needed
Alexander Gillespie says we need to know that our politicians and public officials are trustworthy. Corruption 'hurts everyone who depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority."

Debate: Should the MMP 5 per cent party vote threshold be reduced?
In our second debate on the Electoral Commission's recommendations for MMP, Graeme Edgeler and Muriel Newman put the arguments for and against reducing the threshold. Join the debate and leave your comments at the end.